Crown lengthening is a minimally invasive oral surgical procedure that may be performed for several reasons. The process usually involves exposing more of the tooth’s surface for cosmetic or oral health concerns.
Here is a comprehensive guide to crown lengthening offered by the dentist in Salida, CO. Keep reading to know more about the procedure.
Crown lengthening is a type of oral surgery that involves removing excess gum tissue and some bone around the upper teeth to make them look longer. It is a common surgical procedure that is performed if the gum line is uneven to provide a more symmetrical smile. |
Reasons to perform crown lengthening procedure
Crown lengthening may be performed for several purposes, such as:
Cosmetic purpose
- Having extra gum tissues, as seen in patients with a gummy smile, can make the teeth look unnaturally short.
- Removal of excess gum tissues can restore and improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile.
Restoration of damaged teeth
- Most often, periodontal disease, dental decay, and trauma can cause severe damage to the teeth.
- Crown lengthening becomes necessary when the damage occurs below the gum line, which makes it difficult to access the area for restoring the damaged teeth.
Fabrication of dental crowns
- Due to insufficient space between the crown and jawbone, dental crowns can harm the gum tissues and the underlying bone.
- Crowns with a good fit allow better oral hygiene and comfort.
Potential benefits of crown lengthening procedure
The crown lengthening procedure offers a cascade of procedures, such as:
- Reduces the risk of caries by eliminating extra gum tissue that may inhibit regular brushing in those areas.
- It improves your smile by evening out an inconsistent gum line that is too high and hides your pearly whites.
- Supports a filling or a crown by setting the gum line in a proper position to seal the gums to the restoration.
The process involved in the crown lengthening procedure
The procedure is as follows:
- Your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb it and ease pain and discomfort.
- A small incision or cut will be made near the gum tissue, and a flap will be raised.
- The excess gum tissue will be cauterized; if necessary, a small portion of the bone will also be removed.
- The surgical area will be disinfected, and the incision site will be sutured.
Currently, many dentists have been opting for laser technology for crown lengthening since it is minimally invasive (does not involve any incision) and offers quick healing.